Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hello, welcome to the NY-CA Style Blog! Your hosts, Tiffany and Sarah would love to introduce you to our blog! The two of us share a fondness for second-hand stores and love to go thrifting together! Although we grew up together and went to high school together, we go to universities on either side of the continent. Our goal through this blog is not only to keep our friendship strong but to keep a record of the fashions in New York and California.

Also, as both of us will be working professional internships this summer, we now need more than our average college apparel! This blog will help us help you decide what is work appropriate and how to look great on a budget.

This blog will give you an insider's perspective on college fashions from both coasts as well as help you look amazing while saving money. We will even share our thrifting secrets :D

I would describe my personal style as bohemian. I tend to wear earthy colors and a lot of jewelry that was my moms from her college years (she had great accessories!!!) I know I tend to go for the same dark colors - greens, magentas, teals, and black. Average outfit: skinny jeans, converse or boots, tee or tank and cardigan, scarf, fun jewelry.

I will be working my second summer as a development/marketing intern at a non-profit performing arts center. The office dress is business casual but as we are located less than an hour from the city, everyone dresses in their own individually artsy and professional style. I will not only be in the office but I will be working events, so I would like to have pieces I could wear for the Saturday evening concerts that could also be used during the day. Since most of my clothes are dark, I wanted a little color for my summer work wardrobe.

I have way too many things. So, after arriving home from college this past week, I went through all of my clothes and cleaned out about 3 bags worth of clothes. I have way too much! But then I went to Goodwill with my friend Brianna...

Here are my finds from Goodwill yesterday:

aeropostale shirt and willi smith blouse

toska vintage dress and forever twenty-one dress

nine west wallet

nine west shoes

bought new a while back, but these are my favorite boots: decree

Keep your eye out for Tiffany's post!

[photographed with: Canon Digital Rebel xti]

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